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Livescribe Smart Pens 

Spell out your future.

The "Spell out your future" campaign for Livescribe pens is the result of a class project (shout-out to my partners Sarah and Therese.) Our target market was professional adults with children, our goal was to encourage them to buy $100+ pen that was supposed to help their child do better in school.


Our research led us to statistics about success and facts about learning disabilities that can hinder a student. Not exactly exciting stuff, but it was just the kind of information that might strike the right cord of a proud parent. Instead of focusing on the negative and the setbacks, we decided to make our campaign around the payoff, their student succeeding in school.


With thoughts of tacky bumper stickers on the back of minivans and suburbans floating around in our heads we created three clean ads that included the best labels that could be placed on a student: Valedictorian, Honor Grad and Intelligence. 


Click through the slideshow to see the full campaign. 




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